Little Moments Make The Biggest Impact


It’s the little moments.

Sometimes I grant a request to bake brownies on a Tuesday afternoon in an already messy kitchen.

Sometimes I’ll play a few rounds of Uno or Guess Who, even though I’m not really in the mood.

Often I’ll give in to my kids’ pleading and squirt whipped cream straight from the can into their mouths.

I make a point to listen and engage when my son goes on an excited stream-of-consciousness about his favorite video game.

I will be the first to admit that my kids love a grand gesture. They go nuts for a really thoughtful gift, or a meticulously planned birthday party, or an over-the-top family outing. Of course, they love those things!Little Moments Make The Biggest Impactphoto credit: Blooming Images

But I think it’s the little moments – just me being me – that really strengthen my bond with my children.

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and to pass on carving out special little moments with them. It’s easier to say, “I’m tired, go play with your brother.” It’s more convenient to say, “I need to do the dishes and start on dinner.” Often, I do say those things. I also try just as often to push past my fatigue and set aside my to-do lists to really show up for my kids.

These sweet beautiful creatures I helped to create are only going to be this little once. I think about that a lot. Someday, sooner than I expect it, my kids won’t want or need me the way they do now.

Giving me a play-by-play of their school day won’t be at the top of their priority list. They might not be as interested in spending every waking minute following me around the house.

The idea of some alone time sounds INCREDIBLE right about now, after an entire year spent quarantining with my household unit. Thanks, Covid. Still, I focus on my family and the little moments I can create to make them happy today. These babies won’t keep, and I will do my best to soak up every little moment I can. What a privilege it is to be the sun, moon and stars that these little lives orbit in and around. I can’t take that for granted.


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