Pockets of Time For Self-Care


We all have pockets of times during the day, right? Have you ever noticed or looked for them?

Is it the 5 minutes you get before your kid(s) wake up?

Is it the walk to the mailbox?

Is it the time when your baby is napping?

Maybe it is the time after your kids go to bed.

It is all of those pockets of time during the day where you have the choice and freedom to do whatever with the time that you wish, whether it be 5 minutes or 2 hours.

How are you spending each of those pockets?

In these last two months, I have been holding myself accountable because it is so easy to just pick up your phone and scroll during these times.

What I have realized is that doing that doesn’t help me one bit. It isn’t clearing my inbox, communicating with clients, editing photos, etc. It isn’t “pushing the needle” or growing me so-to-say in my business or life.

Pockets of Time For Self-CareI am not saying to work, work, work in those pockets of time. But what if instead of working or scrolling, we found a way to integrate work and tasks with self-care?

Whether it is spending 5 minutes painting your nails, getting a massage on your lunch break, taking a longer shower than usual, or even grabbing coffee at your favorite place before heading home. We can all agree that those self-care and self-love times are much needed for every mama.

Let’s be aware of those pockets of time during the day and don’t spend them scrolling, shall we? I know I need a constant reminder!

Spend them doing something that brings you joy, that fills your cup, and makes you a better person because of it. We all deserve the love that we so freely give.