This One Simple Thing Has Improved My Marriage


Kissing my spouse made a difference!

I challenged myself to kiss my husband at least seven times a day recently, and here’s what happened. 

NO, not baby #4. However, all the talk around Valentine’s Day about love languages got me thinking. I had to re-evaluate how I have been expressing my love and affection toward my husband. I felt like I needed a whole other day just to spend time with him. Instead, we have to try to fit quality time into a two hour time frame after we put the kids to bed for the night.

kiss, marriageI am tired.

A tired mother of three children, ages five and under. 

An exhausted homemaker. 

A tired chef, sibling rivalry “referee.” The list goes on.

Did I mention I was TIRED? 

I am the tired mom you hear about who has been rocking the baby all day because he is teething. I’m tired because I need to get yet another snack. Dinner needs to be made, and there’s a mountain of laundry staring at me from every corner of every room.

And then here comes my husband needing his wife.  

I felt like I was SO tired of being tired and not having the energy to be enough. So a thought came to me one day while reading about “love languages.” How do I show my husband love?

I show my love for my family by doing “all the things” that keep my household running the way we like. But I felt like I needed to revamp my “love language” with my husband. 

My love language is pretty simple.

I appreciate words of affirmation, helpfulness around the house, and one-on-one time. But I know my husband really appreciates physical touch.

My big idea was to be intentional everyday to give him as many kisses as I could. (Before you roll your eyes and scroll on, hear me out.) Okay, some days were really busy and all I could do was reach over and give him a quick kiss before handing him the baby for a diaper change. Sometimes we’d exchange a peck as I passed him in the hall as we switched kids for bedtime routine. 

But you know what? Those quick kisses meant a lot. They said, “Hey, I see you,” “I love you,” or “thank you.” Those kisses connected us for just a few moments throughout the day. Of course, each person has their own love language. Kissing may not be his or your jam and that’s okay too. 

Be creative. If it isn’t kissing, what would make your partner feel appreciated and seen?

Even if you and your partner work crazy schedules or you don’t see each other until the day is done, I challenge you to try kissing your spouse and see how it can connect you in your relationship. Try not to think of those kisses as “homework” or a “chore” but an outward show of your love. Those quick kisses can bring down those walls you didn’t know were there. Or bring you closer intimately. Kissing also reduces stress, so there’s that. 

Kissing my husband at least seven times a day brought us closer as husband and wife. It opened the door to playfulness and better communication.

I wonder what it could do for you? Happy kissing!