Super Cute DIY Valentine’s Day Flower Pot


Today I’m excited to share with you a sweet and simple little flower pot DIY project in honor of Valentine’s Day! Can you believe it is just around the corner? I had my boys help make these lovely little flower pots for their teachers as a Valentine’s day gift.

To make the flower pot DIY you will need:

  • At least one terra cotta pot (whichever size you prefer)
  • Red and black craft paint
  • Foam brush
  • Q-tips
  • Fabric paint (puff paint)
  • Potting soil
  • Succulent plant (we got ours at Osuna Nursery for $2 each!)

Begin by using your foam brush to paint the flower pot red. This step is quite forgiving so if you have little kids who are participating, it is a great place for them to lend a hand! I let each of my boys take a turn painting and just did the finishing touches myself.

Valentine's Day Flower Pot DIY
When the paint is dry (it shouldn’t take too long), use the fabric paint to draw the outline of a heart on the flower pot.

Valentine's Day Flower Pot DIY

Once the fabric paint is dry, take the q-tip and paint the inside of the heart with the black paint. Let your kids use the q-tip to practice painting inside the lines. They might not do it perfectly but that’s OK! It will give them a chance to practice their fine motor skills and they will be so excited to help! I always have to remind myself that, with kids, it’s about the process and NOT the product!

Valentine's Day Flower Pot DIY

Valentine's Day Flower Pot DIY

As soon as all the paint is dry it’s time to start planting. We headed outside for this step just to keep the mess to a minimum. I had my boys scoop the potting soil into their pots and they were able to do most of the planting themselves. I am always amazed at what my children are capable of doing when I’m not trying to control everything!

Valentine's Day Flower Pot DIY

The end result will look something like this.

Valentine's Day Flower Pot DIY

These simple little flower pots are great gifts for teachers or grandparents and might even add a great pop of color to your own home!

Happy Valentine’s Day!


  1. Love the final look with all four on the shelf with a different succulent. I cant wait to do this with the kids. Thanks for inspiring me!!

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