Does My Child Have Sleep Disordered Breathing?


I truly believe you don’t know the importance of sleep until you become a parent. You count exactly how many minutes of sleep you were able to get the night before. You sit in your car in front of the grocery store for an hour or more because you don’t dare wake a sleeping child. You are keenly aware of the sleep patterns of everyone in your household.

We get it! Sleep is like the holy grail in parenthood. What I find most interesting is that good, restful sleep (or lack thereof) has implications in our health and daily lives. Recently, I met with Dr. Coontz from Koala Sleep Center to learn about his work treating Sleep Disordered Breathing in both adults and children. I’m sure you have heard of Sleep Apnea before, and along with it comes the image of an old man and obnoxiously loud snoring. However, I was surprised to learn that children can also have Sleep Disordered Breathing and realized this is something all moms should be aware of.

child sleepingWhat is Sleep Disordered Breathing?

Twenty plus years of research ties Sleep Disordered Breathing to crooked and crowded teeth, arrested growth and development, behavioral challenges which can have a similar appearance to ADD/ADHD, and even bed wetting. The symptoms associated with Sleep Disordered Breathing can vary from one child to the next, but even mild Sleep Disordered Breathing (mouth breathing, crowded teeth, snoring) can point to serious underlying health issues and the need for treatment. Sleep Disordered Breathing in children is a much more critical and common problem than what has been previously thought.

How Can I Tell If My Child Has Sleep Disordered Breathing?

Does it ever sound like a freight train is running through your child’s room at night or as they lay asleep in the back seat on the way home from a trip? Loud snoring is one very apparent indication that your child may have Sleep Disordered Breathing. Gasping and snorting sounds while your child sleeps may catch you off guard or even make you momentarily worry. These sounds stem from your child moving from a deeper sleep to a lighter sleep (towards waking up) and struggling to breathe.

Does your Child exhibit any of these symptoms?

  • Mouth breathing, Snoring, Grinding teeth
  • ADD / ADHD
  • Poor Performance in School
  • Bed wetting
  • Nightmares & Restless Sleep
  • Chronic Allergies, Eczema, Asthma
  • Swollen Tonsils or Adenoids
  • Irritability, Anger, Depression, Headaches

How is Sleep Disordered Breathing Treated?

Early treatment is key when it comes to Sleep Disordered Breathing. Koala KidZzz is here to ensure that every child has a healthy start and can begin treatment on children as young as two. Let them help your child become an even better, healthier version of themselves. You can contact their office at 505-433-2107 and request a free consultation.

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This post is sponsored by Koala Sleep Centers. We at Albuquerque Moms Blog partner with organizations we feel bring value to our readers.