Keep Calm: Natural Remedies to Help Reduce Anxiety


Your heart starts beating faster. You are thinking or worrying about all the things you need to do today. You feel anxious and stressed. Maybe you start to panic. Anxiety is defined as a state of excessive uneasiness and apprehension. Some women with anxiety have full blown panic attacks. Some have compulsive behavior. And others have many sleepless nights. It’s very common for busy moms to face some degree of anxiety. It’s only natural to worry because we care so much about our kids. Women are also doing so much these days. Moms juggle work, kids, chores, church, community events, and so much more. Some women take anti-anxiety medication to help them cope.

keep calm, natural remedies for anxiety, albuquerque moms blog

Here are natural remedies to help you stay calm and reduce anxiety.


Regular exercise works as well as medication for some people when it comes to relieving anxiety. Exercise releases “feel-good” endorphins in the body. It can lower blood pressure, improve sleep, and protect against heart disease. You can even start with just a 5 minute walk and work your way up to more each day. You can sample different forms of exercise until you find the one you like best. There are so many different options to try like yoga, Zumba, CrossFit, hiking, and biking.

Get Outside

Spend time in nature to reduce stress. You can take a long walk. Go for a hike. Take your kids to the Albuquerque Bio Park and get outdoors. As parents we know that time spent outdoors is developmentally beneficial for our kids. Turns out it’s really good for us parents too.


You’ve heard the saying “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” If moms are depleted of energy, they will not have enough strength to help their children. So “buy the shoes, take the trip, eat the cake.” Basically this means take some time for yourself. Go get a massage. Buy yourself a coffee or read a new book. Even a cup of hot tea or a long steamy shower can be energizing after a hard day’s work.

Phone a Friend

Never underestimate the power of community. Having a support system is so important for moms. We all need a shoulder to cry on, a friend to laugh with, and a sense of belonging . . . especially when times are tough. Don’t isolate yourself. Grow your friendships and your inner circle to grow your inner peace.


Don’t forget about the power of prayer. Sitting in silence, praying, and thoughtfully reflecting on your life can be very calming. It’s really good for your mind, body and soul. Ask for help with the things in your life that you cannot control. The act of just sitting still can help lower your heart rate and slow your breathing down. (A difficult task for busy moms because we rarely sit still).


Try to go to bed earlier. Try to take a nap when you really need it. Not sleeping enough is bad for your health and it can lead to anxiety. It can also lead you to being a cranky mom and no one really wants that.

Change Your Routine

There are a lot of mundane tasks when it comes to motherhood: changing diapers, doing laundry, being a taxi mom, etc. Get out of your rut and try something new. Try a new restaurant. Join a new playgroup for your kids. Do something different in your daily routine that brings you joy.

If you have tried techniques to relax on your own, but still need help be sure to see your doctor. Women put a lot of pressure on themselves to be supermom and do it all. Remember we don’t have to be Wonder Woman. She’s already got that job covered.